Friday, 29 April 2016

Folie à Deux

I created this treatment in first year but didnt feel I was skilled enough to start production. However after filming Fire in the Snow, I felt more confident in my capabilities, and recycled the treatment for the thematic unit.

Folie á deux

The reunion of two sisters triggers a dormant insanity. As the force of the world seems to be against them, they must decide either to break apart their strong bond – ending their relationship but saving themselves or stay together and face self-destruction.

o   Folie a deux
o   Shared psychosis
o   Induced delusional disorder
o   Emotional contagion
o   Lasègue – Falret syndrome
o   Folie imposèe
o   Folie simultanèe
Existing products
o   William Fredkin’s Bug (2006)
o   Jean Carlos Fresnadillo’s Intruders (2012)
o   Apart (2011)
o   X-files episode
o   Simpsons – Lisa the drama queen
o   Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue (1997)
o   A tale of two sisters
o   Peter Jackson’s Heavenly Creatures
o   Bridge to Terebithia (2007)
o   Natural Born Killers (1995)

Film Relevance
 Perfect blue (1997)                                                                        3 people share the same delusion
Bridge to Terebithia (2007)                                                                          2 children share the same fantasy
Natural born Killers (1995)                                                            a Shared psychosis and murderous intent

Shot Ideas/Visual imagery

Lasègue-Falret Syndrome by Jean-Pierre Falret
With psychiatrist Ernest-Charles Lasègue (1816–1883), he diagnosed a communal psychotic disorder sometimes referred to as "Lasègue-Falret syndrome" (folie à deux). The syndrome is characterized by the coincidental appearance of psychotic symptoms in family members while living together, as well as retention of the symptoms when the individuals are separated. This syndrome can also involve a situation where a diseased family member transmits psychotic symptoms to healthy members of the family. The two doctors published their findings in a treatise called La folie à deux ou folie communiquée[i]

[i] Wikipedia

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